Too Late for Tears_peliplat
Too Late for Tears_peliplat

Too Late for Tears (1968)

K (GR) | Greece | Greek | 92 min
Directed by: Panos Glykofrydis

In high hopes of marrying into money, the unscrupulous pathological gambler, Alexis, betrays his long-term girlfriend and affluent wife-to-be, Irini, to live with the seductive singer, Veta. Devastated, Irini finds herself with her back to the wall, and as a result, she accepts the marriage proposal of her despised former employee but now an honourable and self-made quarry owner, Petros. However, love and hate don't mix, and when newlywed Irini, too, decides to hurt her blissful but unsuspecting husband, Petros leaves everything behind and vanishes without a trace. Before long, the truth will shine; nevertheless, does repentance suffice to heal the deep wounds of the past?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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