The Big Split_peliplat
The Big Split_peliplat

The Big Split (1968)

None | Greece | Greek | 79 min
Directed by: Grigoris Grigoriou

Working his fingers to the bone to help his younger brother study medicine in Athens, his uncultured older brother is ecstatic when they finally reunite for the summer. Only one short year stands in the way of getting his diploma, and the boys' weary father is willing to endure more hardship to help his son make his dream come true. But before long, the spoiled daughter of the village's most prominent landowner takes a shine to the medical student and sets her sights on winning his heart. As a result, when he rejects her for another woman, the scorned woman decides to take action, bent on destroying the close-knit family. Now, envy, lies, and faction threaten the unity of the impecunious household. Will logic and love prevail?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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