The Orientals_peliplat
The Orientals_peliplat

The Orientals (1960)

Not Rated (US) | Italy | Italian | 110 min
Directed by: Romolo Marcellini

The film, which includes six episodes, presents some aspects of women's emancipation in the East. Egyptian Aiscia did not want to be subjected to the old traditional costume, which imposed a life of sacrifices, but making ballet dancers in a nightclub leads to a more conformed European habits, but questionable from the moral point of view . In Malaysia a nice girl collects coconuts with the help of a monkey. The next episode takes place in Nepal, a country where polygamy is, apparently, a feminine prerogative. The sentiment affirms the victory of true love over the sad costume. Mai Ling is a lightweight girl in Hong Kong who admires that the alleged love of a German can take her away from the drifting life she leads, but she has to persuade her romantic friend to be a new kind of exploiter. In Thailand a girl submits to an immoral life to procure opium to her boyfriend. The film finally tells the story of a Japanese pearl racer, who being a concubine, must suffer the violence of her master.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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