Paris Still Sings!_peliplat
Paris Still Sings!_peliplat

Paris Still Sings! (1951)

None | France | English, French | 102 min
Directed by: Pierre Montazel

A famous thespian ,who has just died ,wants his nephew and his adoptive daughter to collect at least six autographs of the famous singers of the era:a posthumous film is shown where the dead speaks to the living ,as if he is still with them . The heirs begin their treasure hunt;of course,they cannot stand each other,but as such is often the case,if we are to believe the screenwriters,they are slowly falling in love.Which does not matter anyway,for the audience wants to see the artists: Luis Mariano ,who performs under the Eiffel tower,Line Renaud in a shop Rue De La Paix ,Tino Rossi near the Sacré-Coeur,Georges Ulmer,Place Pigalle ,Yves Montand, on the banks of the Seine.And Edith Piaf and her proteges,Les Compagnons De La Chanson .

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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