I Blame the People_peliplat
I Blame the People_peliplat

I Blame the People (1966)

None | Greece | Greek | 100 min
Directed by: Dinos Dimopoulos

On the verge of a long-awaited and well-deserved promotion, the incorruptible and fiercely honest district attorney, Filippos Lianas, takes on a challenging murder trial. The deceased, the manipulative painter and ruthless procurer, Alexis "Ariel" Platonidis, took two bullets to the chest, and even though he might deserve it, the cryptic prime suspect, Sofia Roussou, claims that she's innocent. Little by little, the judge and the jury attempt to shed light on a tangled mess of half-truths and elaborate lies, while in the meantime, the already fragile mental health of Lianas' troubled wife, Vera, is rapidly deteriorating. Now, two women share the same past, and one of them finds herself before a dismal moral cul-de-sac. Will she let the truth shine?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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