Delitto al luna park_peliplat
Delitto al luna park_peliplat

Delitto al luna park (1952)

T (IT) | Italy | Italian | 90 min
Directed by: Renato Polselli

Silvia, a singer and dancer, is a member of an overworked company that puts on shows in a theme park. She welcomes the advances of a young musician called Roberto but one day, following an accident, Silvia meets a certain Massimi, an understanding sort who, upon hearing her sing, convinces her to swap the theme park for an elegant night club. Massimi's advances aren't without motive, he has various criminal schemes in mind and Silvia will help him, without knowing it, put them in motion. The young woman attracts the attention of one of the regulars, the rich businessman Ferrari, who falls head over heels in love with her. On Massimi's instructions she invites him to spend an evening at the theme park but, after having left her, he is attacked, robbed and wounded by Massimi's henchmen. The next day Silvia is arrested by the police who believe she may have played a part in it. Released following Roberto's intervention, she turns to Massimi who coldly sends her away. Alone, Massimi is robbed and killed by a past lover. Silvia is arrested again and accused of his murder but Roberto, working with the police, manages to prove her innocence. After much suffering the two youths are finally reunited.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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