At zije neboztík_peliplat
At zije neboztík_peliplat

At zije neboztík (1935)

None | Czechoslovakia | Czech | 86 min
Directed by: Martin Fric

Wealthy and ill Petr Kornel (Karel Hasler) is not pleased with the carousing lifestyle of his nephew. He stops supporting him financially and demands that he change his name. Out of gratitude Kornel bequeaths a substantial sum of money to his nurse Alice (Adina Mandlová) with the condition that she marries. Petr Suk (Hugo Haas), as the nephew is now named, visits the doctor. In the waiting room his X-ray is mistakenly switched with one of another patient's. On the basis of this he presently learns that he is seriously ill and has only one day of life left to him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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