The Heroine from Derna_peliplat
The Heroine from Derna_peliplat

The Heroine from Derna (1912)

None | Italy | None, Italian |
Directed by: Gennaro Righelli

This picture portrays the terrible assault upon Derna, in which the young Italian captain, Adolfo Bertini, was wounded in the forehead and, after a conflict, fell into the hands of the Arabs. This officer managed to protect a young Arabian girl from insult by the Turks, and thus gained the good will of the tribe to which she belonged. When the cries of the news vendors in Naples announced the capture of Captain Bertini his wife lost her senses from the shock. Eminent alienists proclaimed it a case of mental torpor, which could only be cured upon again seeing her husband. Maria, the little daughter of Captain Bertini, planned to go to Africa to find her father. Her mother did not notice her leave taking because of her condition. She disguised herself as a boy and managed to find a place on a merchant vessel. Her good disposition succeeded in gaining for her the affection of everyone. The father was freed and returned with his daughter to Naples. The presence of her husband and child brought the young woman out of her stupor, and happiness once again reigned in the house.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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