Visibility Zero_peliplat
Visibility Zero_peliplat

Visibility Zero (1970)

A (AU) | Greece | Greek | 117 min
Directed by: Nikos Foskolos

In the middle of the raging sea, a relentless squall maims the already unseaworthy steamship "Christina" of the rapacious Richter Shipping Corporation and sends to their watery grave twenty-six men. Now, as the sole survivor of the unprecedented maritime tragedy, the uncompromising and ferociously honest oiler, Aggelos Kreouzis, finds himself with his back to the wall, struggling to defend the truth to the bitter end. Under those dire circumstances--against the backdrop of an appalling media frenzy, and systematic character assassination--Aggelos must fight tooth and nail to clear his name, and in the process, keep his dignity intact. However, can one man alone take down a powerful business empire?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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