The Busybody_peliplat
The Busybody_peliplat

The Busybody (1961)

Tous publics (FR) | France | French | 103 min
Directed by: Alex Joffé

André is employed in a laboratory which makes BH33, a magical anti-depressant;and as many of the inhabitants of Paris,he does need these pep pills : his apartment is tiny ,but he's got a folding metal bed (when you press a button ,but it does not always work);his boss is a tartar ,but he is in love with his secretary ;his car ,A Deux Chevaux, has to fight against the Gendarmes and lots of traffic jams,but he plays the occasional taxi driver for elegant (or pregnant) women.One day he 's had enough:a BH 33 overdose causes a fit of giggles and he is dismissed.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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