Je chante_peliplat
Je chante_peliplat

Je chante (1938)

Tous publics (FR) | France | French | 88 min
Directed by: Christian Stengel

Charles 's uncle is the headmaster of a chic girls school .He is short of the readies and he has lots and lots of debts.Enter Charles who spends most of his time singing and writing songs even when he is at the wheel of his car.He comes to his uncle's rescue: he dismisses the servants after paying their wages ...with royalties from his (future) hits;then the girls are required to do the domestic chores (the parents are told it is part of the national curriculum).And everybody sings ,works ,and whistles like the seven dwarfs used to do.. Charles has a crush on one of the boarders ,Denise.But another girl gets jealous.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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