Lisa and the Other Woman_peliplat
Lisa and the Other Woman_peliplat

Lisa and the Other Woman (1961)

U (GB) | Greece | Greek | 98 min
Directed by: Dinos Dimopoulos

Surprisingly enough, Lisa Frangoudi and Mitsi Gavriiloglou are like two peas in a pod; nevertheless, the similarity ends there. Mitsi--the pampered only daughter of an affluent industrialist--has never worked a single day in her life, on the other hand, though, the impoverished street urchin and leader of a motley crew of equally poor waif children, Lisa, has no other choice but to sell combs to eke out a living. Before long, the girls' striking resemblance combined with a reckless act of defiance will lead to a spontaneous and seamless collaboration between Lisa and Mitsi's father, who pays a hefty reward to bring peace into his home. Can Lisa become the other woman?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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