Lucky Day_peliplat
Lucky Day_peliplat

Lucky Day (1999)

None | South Africa | English | 12 min
Directed by: Brian Tilley

Every morning Bushin wakes his friend Fana with the greeting that today is their lucky day. They are Black day laborers in South Africa, and that day, both get jobs. Fana's is with a burly White farmer who wants one worker only. The man is odd, with a temper. He asks Fana to set his wage for the day. Before they reach his farm, he stops at a casino. Once at the farm, Fana sees odd things: a dead dog, a living room that's a wreck. The farmer promises Fana the full 40 rand Fana has asked for if Fana will tell him the truth. Fana is wary. His job is to dig a grave, read from the Bible, and answer truthfully a question the rifle-toting farmer asks. Is this Fana's lucky day?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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