Play trailer

Gemini (2003)

Not Rated (US) | Denmark | Danish | 91 min
Directed by: Fabian Wullenweber

Lars' life is dedicated to his disabled mother and his job at a petrol station. The only light in his life is Julie, who lives in his apartment building and often drops by his petrol station. One day when she faints at his feet, he seizes the opportunity and takes her home. When she wakes up confused and in denial, she believes that Lars is her dead boyfriend Soren. Now Lars must decide whether he wants to help Julie back to reality or let her remain in the belief that he is her boyfriend--and he chooses to become Soren. For the first time in his life he focuses on himself and his own hopes and dreams for the future. Soon Lars and Julie disappear into their own closed, happy world, where only they know the rules. Lars' mother and Julie's parents fight to bring their adult children back to reality. Simultaneously Lars and Julie fight the forces trying to separate them. Until a magic moment when they decide to escape.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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