Night of Henna_peliplat
Night of Henna_peliplat

Night of Henna (2005)

None | USA | English | 92 min
Directed by: Hassan Zee

After nine years spent learning "how to be a good Pakistani daughter" from the grandparents who raised her, Hava is excited to touch down at San Francisco International Airport and reunite with her mother, her cab-driving father, and her surly, fully-Americanized younger brother. Thrilled by the new culture that surrounds her, Hava hopes to take advantage of opportunities less available to women in Pakistan, including enrolling in college classes and working part-time at a coffee shop. Though she manages to achieve both goals (behind her father's back, of course), it seems that "Night of Henna" is not headed toward the realization of Hava's humble dreams: the opening scene flashes forward to reveal preparations for her very traditional, very prearranged wedding day. This bit of information also casts a shadow over Hava's tentative romance with Justin, a preppy musician who encourages her to explore her individuality. (SF Bay Gaurdian)

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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