
Matchbox (2003)

None | Greece | Greek | 80 min
Directed by: Yannis Economides

Against the backdrop of an unbearably hot and dry Athenian summer, the early signs of an ignoble defeat are already taking their toll on the weary, lost, and utterly alone coffee shop owner, Dimitris. Little by little, yielding under the pressure of a risky new business venture, the ornamental paterfamilias becomes a pulsating black hole that sucks everyone inside who dares to challenge his frail authority--a disillusioned wife; an indifferent son; a rebellious daughter, and a reluctant associate. Indeed, this is hell on earth--a fiery inferno of traitors and enemies where a family of cursed suburbanites is doomed to coexist with each other. Now, ugly truths, shocking revelations, and deleterious words become lethal weapons in a dirty war within a cramped and nightmarish urban battlefield. Sadly, there are no allies here. Can Dimitris and his family emerge unscathed?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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