Mákszem Matyi_peliplat
Mákszem Matyi_peliplat

Mákszem Matyi (1977)

None | Hungary | Hungarian | 64 min
Directed by: Ilona Katkics

Poppyseed Matyi is only two inches tall, sleeps in a matchbox, but longs to be a circus performer. When his parents are die in a tragic stage accident Márkus the magician adopts him, and tries to keep him away from the dangers of the stage. Seeing his sadness offers him a job as an assistant in his new show, which become a success and their fame spreads around the world. But Matyi gets in trouble when he is kidnapped by dastardly villains, who are fascinated by his ability to steal.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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