Searching for the Great Hopewell Road_peliplat
Searching for the Great Hopewell Road_peliplat

Searching for the Great Hopewell Road (1998)

None | USA | English | 57 min

From about 200 B.C. to about 400 A.D. the Hopewell people constructed thousands of earthworks in the central Ohio area, among the most well-known being the Octagon earthworks at Newark and the Mound City Group at Chillicothe. Based on the work of Ohio Historical Society archaeologist Bradley T. Lepper, this documentary film examines the evidence for the existence of an arrow-straight 60-mile-long ancient highway connecting these two main ceremonial centers. Possible astronomical alignments at the Newark earthworks are also discussed.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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