Under the Moonlight_peliplat
Under the Moonlight_peliplat

Under the Moonlight (2001)

None | Iran | Persian | 96 min
Directed by: Reza Mirkarimi

Hassan is a student of Religious /Islamic school and is about to be dressed as a missioner .In such a time when his other mates are excited and are getting ready to be formally dressed and to become a spiritual missioner Hassan's doubts and incoherences starts and he begins to have a struggle with himself. Therefore he postpones his ceremony, yet for the sake of his father and to respect him he buys the dress. Meanwhile a young boy steals his formal clothes. Hassan goes after the boy and through this path he gets to know about the poverty of the people and the poor neighborhood where the young boy lives. He communicates with this community and gets familiar with their life style. This event gives him a motivation to become a spiritual missioner because he realizes that in this way he can serve these people. At the end, the young boy ends up in a rehabilitation center for children and is going to start a new life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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