From the Queen to the Chief Executive_peliplat
From the Queen to the Chief Executive_peliplat

From the Queen to the Chief Executive (2001)

None | Hong Kong | Cantonese | 102 min
Directed by: Herman Yau

Braemar Hill murders occurred on April 20, 1985. Five local young gangsters killed British couple in the Braemar Hill. Zhang Youming (David Lee) is one of them and "detained at Her Majesty's pleasure" for their crimes. A mainland girl Cheung Yue-ling (Jing Ai) who moves to dreadful city Hong Kong with her mother to live with her father in law tries murdering her mother after her sex affair with her father in law is found. This incident leads her to be independent from the family. Later Cheung Yue-ling visits Shek Pik Prison to interact with the writing contest champion, prisoner Zhang Youming for curiosity and respect. At the end, Cheung Yue-ling goes to find some help from local lawmaker, such as labor rights lawmaker Liang Zhongqin (Stephen Tang) to solve these young prisoners' unsettled term of imprisonment.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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