
Uljhan (2001)

15 (GB) | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Rajan Johri

Varun and Anjali meet with a major car accident where Anjali escapes with minor injuries while Varun his badly injured and his face gets damaged badly.Anjali with the help of doctors around gets Varun back to normal and they return to his palatial house but Varun has lost his memory and does not remember his past.Varun in past lived a wealthy life without any responsibilities with his grandmother and adopted brother Prashant who took all the responsibilities of the business.Varun loved Anjali but she refused to marry him as she loves Prashant,when Prashant finds about his love he disappears from their life sacrificing his love.In present times Varun marries Anjali but finds that Prashant is very much in touch with and Anjali both meet secretly.Varun feels that Anjali is cheating on him and wants Prashant dead.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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