The Island of Silence_peliplat
The Island of Silence_peliplat

The Island of Silence (1958)

K-12 (GR) | Greece | Greek | 65 min
Directed by: Lila Kourkoulakou

Seven-hundred metres off the East Coast of Crete lies the isolated islet of Spinalonga: the place where from 1903 to 1958 served as the permanent exile of those who suffered from Hansen's disease. In this prison, after six challenging months, the idealistic young doctor, Stathis Chtenas, is starting to realise that his fruitless research to find the cure and the daily conflicts with the insubordinate patients are already taking their toll on his fragile mental health. Then, unexpectedly, the equally visionary volunteer doctor, Angela, arrives in the hospital, setting the stage for change, and the desperate attempt to convince the Ministry of Health to finally close down Spinalonga, the island of silence.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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