The Stanley Baxter Moving Picture Show_peliplat
The Stanley Baxter Moving Picture Show_peliplat

The Stanley Baxter Moving Picture Show (1974)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: David Bell

The sketches are Nationwide with jokes across the UK and Thumpalong with Reg Varnish. We then have an episode of Upstage Downstage. There is a sketch set in a canteen of California during WW2 which ends with an attempt to undermine American morale using well-known American entertainers. There is a brief discussion about bias in the news followed by a news report. Maurice Chevalier is in heaven and sings about how that he is glad he is not alive anymore. The show concludes with 2001 - A Royal Wedding Odyssey where Prince Eric marries a singer. There is a mass phone-in where you are able to ask questions of the participants.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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