A Death Sentence_peliplat
A Death Sentence_peliplat

A Death Sentence (2002)

Not Rated (US) | Denmark, Sweden, Norway | Danish | 90 min
Directed by: Fabian Wullenweber

The obstacles facing the perilous mission of 12-year-olds Ida, Sebastian and Jonas are many: a bank vault 30 meters above ground to open, secret combinations to crack, vicious guard dogs to wrestle, watchmen to distract and a bank manager to fool. Not to mention surviving a hair-raising go-cart race through narrow city streets with a hoard of cops in hot pursuit. Equipped with state-of-the-art climbing gear, a few borrowed go-carts and a couple of wild, throbbing hearts set on winning Ida's love, the trio plan the most audacious bank heist in the history of Denmark: to steal 1.5 million DKK from CCT Bank Europe's new headquarters - by breaking into the world's most secure bank vault.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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