Som and Bank: Bangkok for Sale_peliplat
Som and Bank: Bangkok for Sale_peliplat
Play trailer

Som and Bank: Bangkok for Sale (2001)

R (AU) | Thailand | Thai | 90 min
Directed by: Oxide Chun Pang

Mak, a street urchin in Bangkok, dreams of being a tough gangster. He earns some money as a drugs runner. One day he meets a young prostitute, who turns out to live nearby and they fall in love. After he has delivered a large batch of drugs to a rich man on the other side of town, they can suddenly afford new clothes, luxury mobile phones and expensive sunglasses. Made reckless, Mak and his partners use the girl for an even bigger delivery to the same rich man. But then everything goes terribly wrong...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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