Public Enemy_peliplat
Public Enemy_peliplat
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Public Enemy (2002)

TV-MA (US) | South Korea | Korean | 138 min
Directed by: Kang Woo-suk

Ruthless cop Chul-joong and a merciless killer in raincoat run into each other in a small alleyway and form a fatal bond. A free-for-all fight occurs by coincidence on a rainy street. A week later, the dead bodies of an old couple are discovered with multiple stab wounds. Chul-joong suddenly recalls the night he met the man in the raincoat. Chul-joong meets the old couple's son CHO Gyoo-hwan. He has an intuition that CHO is the murder but has no clue. In the meantime, another murder takes place in the same fashion. The showdown between a dirty cop and a killer unfolds, as things get more personal.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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