Symphony of Silence_peliplat
Symphony of Silence_peliplat

Symphony of Silence (2001)

None | France, Armenia | Armenian | 110 min
Directed by: Vigen Chaldranyan

Today, Mel Divan is a successful American businessman with a terminal illness. But long ago he was an infamous criminal who escaped from a mental institution in Communist Armenia. With the rise of capitalism, Mel returns to Armenia to make good on a promise to deliver the bounty of his robbery to the widow of a fellow thief. Mel plans on spending only enough time in Armenia to locate the widow. But nostalgia and fate drive him, as the same mental institution from which he escaped is now on the auction block. Mel buys it and finds refuge in running the psychiatric hospital while living among its eclectic residents and helping each in a unique way. Mel will live his final days as a saint provided he can keep one step ahead of the Chief Psychiatrist and a local Mob Boss.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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