Mr. Cinderella_peliplat
Mr. Cinderella_peliplat
Play trailer

Mr. Cinderella (2002)

U (MY) | Malaysia | Malay | 104 min
Directed by: Ahmad Idham

The story starts with Hakimi, a freelance scriptwriter who is on his way to send his 7-year-old daughter, Imelda, to his ex-wife's house on one stormy night. On the way there, he sees a sports car that just hit a tree. Hakimi stops his car and sees a girl is trapped in the car. He is reluctant to help at first because he is wearing his friend Kumin's shoes and doesn't want it to be dirty. But later he decides to help the girl, who is very badly hurt, and leaves her after calling the ambulance without knowing that she is Puteri Megawati, a crown princess from Indrapuri Darul Kasih. He also doesn't realize that he accidentally left one of his shoes there. Meanwhile, Puteri Megawati, who is very thankful to the mysterious guy that saved her, meets Siti Shahirah, a member of the paparazzi that as usual, is looking for sensational news. The princess asks Siti to help her look for "Mr Cinderella"(the man that helped her that night) and promises a reward of RM 500,000. Siti accepts the challenge, as this will help the popularity and rating of her show "Cable News International" to increase. When Siti starts her "Siapa Mr Cinderella" show, Kumin is among the hundreds of fake Mr Cinderella that participates in the show to collect the reward. Since the shoe is his, Kumin is then declared the "Mr. Cinderella" that they are looking for. Who's the real "Mr Cinderella"? You know the answer...but will they find out?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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