Play trailer

Borderline (2002)

R (US) | Germany, USA, South Africa | English | 94 min
Directed by: Evelyn Purcell

The psychiatrist Dr. Lila Colleti is a woman with a trauma in her childhood that is divorcing her husband. She works in a penitentiary with disturbed prisoners that like her. Her ex-husband Paul Colleti and she are disputing the custody of their two daughters in court, and Paul wins the dispute. Paul brings the daughters to his house and Lila becomes depressive and upset. She goes to a bar, where she meets the former prisoner and patient Ciro Ruiz, and uses drugs with alcohol, having a blackout. In the night, Paul and her girlfriend are murdered, and Lila becomes the prime suspect. Det. Macy Kobacek, who is her boyfriend, is in charge of the investigation with his partner Det. Frank Hagen, and Lila accuses her manipulative patient Ed Baikman to her boyfriend. However, all the evidences are against Lila and Macy is not sure of who is the killer.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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