Indexovo pozoriste: Ne ostavljajte me samog dok himna svira_peliplat
Indexovo pozoriste: Ne ostavljajte me samog dok himna svira_peliplat

Indexovo pozoriste: Ne ostavljajte me samog dok himna svira (1991)

None | Yugoslavia | 90 min

A theatrical show by legendary Index's Radio Theater from Belgrade. Several ultra-nationalist villains meet in the middle of the woods around the extinguished flame made from the torches that represent former Yugoslavian republics. Unable to make a single agreement about anything, they call the spirit of Tito which finds its embodiment in the body of Slobodan Milosevic (here called Zlobodan Siljosevic) only to scold others for turning off the Tito's path.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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