Who the Hell Is Bobby Roos?_peliplat
Who the Hell Is Bobby Roos?_peliplat

Who the Hell Is Bobby Roos? (2002)

None | USA | English | 93 min
Directed by: John Feldman

Once a rising Hollywood star, Bobby Roos is now playing to small audiences in New York City clubs. One night, a hecler ignites Bobby's repressed rage. Staying in character as Robert De Niro, Bobby charges off the stage and attacks the heckler. Black-balled from the club scene, Bobby now sinks deeper and deeper into loneliness and despair. Looking for love, he picks up Emily at the grocery store. Their relationship is promising...except Bobby is no longer Bobby Roos, he's Robert De Niro...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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