Wedding Chest_peliplat
Wedding Chest_peliplat

Wedding Chest (2005)

12 (DE) | France, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Russia | French, Kirghiz, Russian | 104 min
Directed by: Nurbek Egen

There is great excitement in Aidar's home one fine day when he comes back from Paris to his mountain village with a charming French girl called Isabelle. Aidar has changed but everything at home has remained the same. Lake Issyk-Kul sparkles silver and turquoise, the air is so pure it tinkles and the snow-covered summits of the mountains sparkle in the sun. Isabelle cannot understand how Aidar could leave such beauty behind and why he cannot tell everyone that she is his fiancee. But shades of the past, embodied in the grim figure of the local postman, give Aidar no rest. A threat hangs over the couple's love.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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