The Last Supper_peliplat
The Last Supper_peliplat
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The Last Supper (2005)

R-15 (JP) | Japan, Hong Kong | Japanese, Cantonese | 92 min
Directed by: Osamu Fukutani

Yuji Kotorida has become plastic surgeon to the rich and famous - almost over night transforming himself from nebbish to charismatic icon. His secret? He eats women. In a flashback, we watch the flowering of his proclivity - from an initial taste, and a search that takes him to Hong Kong, to murder. After the flashback, he promises a colleague he will prepare meat for her wedding banquet. At about the same time, the police express suspicion. Can Dr. Kotorida carve out an escape?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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