Sweet as Honey_peliplat
Sweet as Honey_peliplat

Sweet as Honey (1959)

None | Hong Kong | Mandarin | 95 min
Directed by: Jingbo Chen, Yi Zhi Ren, Shilin Zhu

Zhang Mingyang and Ding Huilan were newlywed and had a great love for each other. Mingyang's old lover Wang Baozhu suddenly visited and requested Mingyang's help in finding her lost husband. Mingyang, in order to avoid the fate of his father-in-law being entangled by his jealous mother-in-law, had to falsely claim that Baozhu was the mistress of a colleague, causing suspicion among the wives. After Huilan learned the truth, she helped Baozhu find her husband and exposed Mingyang's lies.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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