La maja de Goya: El Musical_peliplat
La maja de Goya: El Musical_peliplat

La maja de Goya: El Musical (1996)

A (ES) | Spain | Spanish | 90 min
Directed by: Vicente Escrivá, Vicente Fuentes

Madrid 1778. Goya is waiting for his draughts being payed by the torero Romero.Goya met the Duchess of Alba at the end of the "corrida de toros" they confront each other and sing along : YO SOY GRANDE DE ESPAÑA ( DUCHESS ).. YO SOY POBRE DE ESPAÑA ( GOYA )..Goya starts painting for the Court.. get married to Josefa and keep on painting pictures for the King Charles the IV. Goya met the Duchess again at the King's Court then they become lovers... Goya paints the Duchess naked.The Duchess shows the painting to the whole Court in a party.. Josefa left Goya when she knew about that... Goya was still lover of the Duchess of Alba when she becames seriously ill.. Goya in despair sings NOBODY CAN KILL THIS LOVE ! NOBODY NOT EVEN GOD ! The Duchess passes away and Goya becomes mad even though he was acclaimed by the Spanish crowd who keep singing along .. YOU GOYA, TE GOD, YOU GOYA THE GENIUS..PAINTER OF THE PEOPLE....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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