Ray of Sunshine_peliplat
Ray of Sunshine_peliplat

Ray of Sunshine (2006)

None | USA | English | 86 min
Directed by: Norbert Meisel

Rachel Doyle, a beautiful aspiring pianist struggles with pursuing her career while dealing with neglectful parents. Her mother, a woman who is always looking for a good time often brings home aggressive men who take on sexual interest in the both of them. When Rachel resists the advances of a powerful local judge, things get violent and her mother ends up dead. Terrified, she grabs a few belongings, disguises herself as a boy and escapes to Los Angeles in search of her father. With the law closely behind her, she finds some comfort in Miss Lily, a nightclub owner, a man known as "The Count" who offers her a home and a boy named Zack. She homes her musical skills and develops a bond with her new family. However, just before the law catches up with her, Rachel's life is suddenly shattered with a series of revelations about "The Count" and her true identity.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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