Trip to Asia: The Quest for Harmony_peliplat
Trip to Asia: The Quest for Harmony_peliplat

Trip to Asia: The Quest for Harmony (2008)

7 (CH) | Germany, Hong Kong | German, English, Spanish | 108 min
Directed by: Thomas Grube

Director Thomas Grube (RHYTHM IS IT!) and his accomplished film crew accompany the Berlin Philharmonic on a concert tour into six pulsating, dynamic Asian metropolises, juxtaposing centuries-old traditions against the breathtaking speed of Asian modernization. An inspired examination of the cultural clash between western traditions and far-eastern philosophy, between the modernity of Europe and Asia, this compelling new film takes audiences on a journey into the confidential and private inner life of one of the world's leading orchestras: a backstage pass into the complicated lives of the artists and diverse musical personalities within this distinguished community. TRIP TO ASIA tells the story of the struggle between individual and community, the timeless search for harmony within oneself and with one's neighbours: A unique musical excursion into the overlapping spheres of melancholy, enthusiasm, loneliness and yearning, an adventure told through fascinating cinematic imagery brought together with a dynamic sound and musical experience that creates this universal story of humankind and society into a breathtaking motion picture experience.

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