
Bolero (2004)

None | Czech Republic | Czech | 102 min
Directed by: F.A. Brabec

A psychological crime drama based on actual events of the not-too-distant past. A group of university students thought it would be entertaining to abduct girls and gang rape them. Out of fear, none of the victims talked. A female student, however, didn't want to remain silent. The kidnappers drew lots to decide which of them would become a murderer. At dawn they dragged the girl (Barbora Seidlová) off to a lake and drowned her. They terrified the witnesses and severed all contact among themselves. It took the police several years to find the necessary clues. In the meantime, some of the perpetrators began raising families, even became model citizens. Their parents used every means possible to fight the evidence, heedless of the victims' suffering, motivated only by the need to save their children, their reputations, their position in society.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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