Women for Sale_peliplat
Women for Sale_peliplat

Women for Sale (2004)

R21 (SG) | France | French | 90 min
Directed by: Jean-Claude Jean

7 young women from Eastern Europe accept to become prostitutes for a year in exchange for a journey that will take them from Belgrade to Marseilles and provide them with a French passport. Irina, a worker from a Moscow suburb, brings along Enki, her young son, hidden among her luggage. She's ready to do anything to give him a brighter future. Leila, a former prostitute employed to watch over the other girls, enlists Anna, her own daughter, into the group with the hope of setting her free once they're in France. Emma thinks that she'll be able to finish her medical studies and tries to put the rest of what awaits out of her mind. Michaela, a Chechen, flees the war and her country, and Loumia intends to locate her husband-to-be. Mirka, pious and ambiguous, gets lost in her contradictions and perceives the journey as yet another trial in her life. Mysterious Han Suan keeps herself to herself... 7 young innocent women, victims of a ruthless Mafia.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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