Project: Tomorrow Men_peliplat
Project: Tomorrow Men_peliplat

Project: Tomorrow Men (2003)

None | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Benjamin Karl

The film Project: Tomorrow Men (PTM) takes us into the heart of underground filmmaking and delivers a revealing look at how it is done at the grass-roots level. Beginning at the beginning, PTM tells the story of the movie that fledgling film company Ved Bok Entertainment (VBE) started out to make in 2000. By incorporating scripted material actually shot for use in the original feature, the viewer gains a sense of what the film would have been like. . . had it been completed. Following a series of accidents and personnel problems, including the disbandment of Ved Bok Entertainment and the rise of The Clockwork Motion Picture Company (TCMPC) production of the movie The Tomorrow Men was halted mid-way through completion. This otherwise common scenario in independent film was made special by what the filmmakers did next. Instead of scrapping their footage or starting over fresh (not usually an option for self-produced projects), TCMPC decided to make the failure of VBE's movie into the focus of their movie. This tale of thwarted dreams and problematic shooting days creates the epicenter from which dozens of anecdotes and amusing stories emanate. Along with personal accounts of despair, hostility and animosity, the film also manages to be uplifting by showing how teamwork, loyalty and creative innovation can save a project. The aim of the film is to educate with an insider's eye and to entertain as the original production would have. In the end, Project: Tomorrow Men teaches that, with a little perseverance and a lot of work, setbacks and obstacles can provide an opportunity to bring people together and create something truly unique.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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