Dirty Soul_peliplat
Dirty Soul_peliplat

Dirty Soul (2004)

None | Czech Republic | Czech | 99 min
Directed by: Milan Cieslar

A tragicomic mosaic of stories focusing on three siblings: 16-year-old Anna (Karolína Kaiserová), 26-year-old Jana (Tatiana Dyková), and their half brother Vladimír (Jan Budar), age 35. Each of them is looking for the right person to come into their lives, but this merely leads to fumbling through life in a muddle while repeating the same mistakes. Anna is very far from her ideal of flashy beauty, and she struggles to be perfect as self doubts gnaw at her. In her naiveté, she gets caught by the same snares that trapped her sister. The elder girl is tearing through life in the fast lane - towards her first divorce. None of them realizes just how similar their problems are to those of their mother and brother, a brother they as yet know nothing about.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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