Il tramite_peliplat
Il tramite_peliplat

Il tramite (2004)

T (IT) | Italy | Italian | 104 min
Directed by: Stefano Reali

In southern Italy, Rollo, a nearly mute, large, muscular young man, is part of a crime gang. He wants to go on "an escort," to smuggle a ten-year-old Moroccan boy into Switzerland where adoptive parents supposedly await him. The third person on this road trip is Mauro, a middle-aged nurse brought into the deal by his boss, a hospital physician, to make a quick buck. They head for Cannobio on what should be a one-day trip, but complications soon arise. Car trouble, a Bulgarian prostitute and her daughter, the boy's constant desire to play soccer, and Rollo's flashbacks to a troubled and violent childhood combine to challenge them in a world without conscience.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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