The Masterpiece... A Toymakers Dream_peliplat
The Masterpiece... A Toymakers Dream_peliplat

The Masterpiece... A Toymakers Dream (1995)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 73 min
Directed by: Andrea Jobe

From the opening scene's fiery rebellion to the spectacular finale, The Masterpiece... A Toymakers Dream has the makings of a contemporary classic. Impact Productions' moving allegory tells a story of love, hope and dreams as the Apprentices anxiously await the unveiling of the Masterpiece designed by the Toymaker and his son. The dream is shattered when the jealous Chief Apprentice attempts to steal the design and build the Masterpiece himself. Banished from the presence of the Toymaker, the evil Chief Apprentice plats revenge, even if it means destroying the beloved Masterpiece.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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