The Tiger and the Widow_peliplat
The Tiger and the Widow_peliplat

The Tiger and the Widow (1981)

None | Hong Kong | Mandarin | 86 min
Directed by: Han Hsiang Li

During the reign of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, Xu Hu and the White Widow, the head of the salt smuggling group, were both in danger of being arrested because the honest official Li Zhenbiao refused to accept bribes, and the governor of Liangjiang ordered strict suppression of salt smuggling. In order to avoid being caught by her colleagues, the white widow went to the government without permission and agreed with Li Zhenbiao to submit herself to the court. Li Zhenbiao agreed to the request of the white widow, considering that she had sworn in with Xu Hu and the white widow's deceased husband. The white widow was sentenced to hang. Li Zhenbiao sent someone to send poison to the white widow in order to avoid the Governor's intervention in the case and then to make trouble. Xu Hu was shocked to learn that the white widow was sentenced to death for her sole responsibility, and the revenge action was immediately launched.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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