The Search for John the Baptist_peliplat
The Search for John the Baptist_peliplat

The Search for John the Baptist (2005)

None | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Mark Hufnail

John the Baptist's time on the biblical stage was brief, yet he left an indelible mark on Christianity. We know that he started the sacrament of baptism, but was he also the man behind the message of Jesus? Does a secretive Middle Eastern sect practice ancient rituals handed down directly from John? Despite mentions in the Gospels and the works of the Jewish historian Josephus, little was known about the historical John until now. TIME MACHINE follows in the footsteps of the prophet and examines startling new archaeological evidence that provides the first concrete proof of the life of this enigmatic biblical character.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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