Sirens in the Aegean_peliplat
Sirens in the Aegean_peliplat

Sirens in the Aegean (2005)

K-12 (GR) | Greece | Greek, English, Turkish | 115 min
Directed by: Nicos Perakis

15 August 2003. Under the hot sun of the Aegean Sea, the passengers of the Turkish yacht Ege Güzeli attempt to disembark in Pitta, a rocky Greek skerry just a stone's throw from the Turkish shoreline. As a six-member unit of Greek soldiers intercepts the intruding boat, the lack of communication, paired with the language barrier and ardent patriotism, ratchets up the tension, threatening to spark a bitter diplomatic row between the two countries. Will reason prevail? Can Greece's finest de-escalate the volatile situation?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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