The Shoe Fairy_peliplat
The Shoe Fairy_peliplat

The Shoe Fairy (2005)

Atp (AR) | Taiwan | Mandarin | 94 min
Directed by: Yun-Chan Lee

As a little girl, Dodo cannot walk. She associates herself with "The Little Mermaid" and wonders if she would give up something of her own in order to own a pair of feet. Fortunately, she gains a pair of feet after an operation, and hence is indulged in collecting and wearing beautiful shoes and heels even after she has grown up. She marries Smiley, a handsome but shy dentist. They live a happy life, except that Dodo still keeps buying shoes. Later, she reluctantly accepts Smiley's request to stop buying shoes, until one fateful day when she accidentally walks right into the shoe store ...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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