
Roulette (2005)

None | USA | English | 104 min
Directed by: David Blair, Adam Pitman

The motion picture, Roulette, is a psychological thriller about five characters who engage in a fatal game of Russian Roulette. The characters are: Pete, a dark cynic interested in the metaphysical; Paul, an awkward and nerdy teenager with an infatuation with planes and trying to fit in; Amy, distraught after discovering her boyfriend has left her; Troy, a womanizing Hollywood cliché; and Scott, an effeminate determined to prove his machismo. After the inevitable death of one of the players, panic leads to terror as they devise a plan to cover up the death as a suicide lest they implicate themselves in murder or be suspected as accessories to the act. Exactly one year later, the guilt-ridden survivors find themselves stalked by their dead friend's vengeful spirit.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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