Between Love and Hate_peliplat
Between Love and Hate_peliplat

Between Love and Hate (2006)

18 (KR) | South Korea | Korean | 125 min
Directed by: Hae-gon Kim

Young-Hoon (Kim Seung-Woo) works for his mother's restaurant, but he prefers hanging out with his friends. He then meets Yeun-ah (Jang Jin-Young), a tough lady that works in a room salon as a barmaid. She takes the initiative by coming to his restaurant, when he is working, and propositions him in a playful way. They become a couple, but their relationship is always volatile. They fight constantly (physically and verbally), but the next moment kiss and make up. Meanwhile, Young-Hoon already has another girlfriend, who is his finance. When his mother learns about his new girlfriend Yeun-ah, she pushes her son to get married to his finance. Even after he marries his finance, Young-Hoon continues his relationship with Yeun-ah. When Young-Hoon's wife gets pregnant, Yeun-ah starts to feel insecure about their relationship and takes matter into her own hands. She decides to call Young-Hoon's wife and tell her everything about their relationship.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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