The Great Flood: Paris 2010_peliplat
The Great Flood: Paris 2010_peliplat

The Great Flood: Paris 2010 (2006)

None | France | French, English |
Directed by: Bruno Victor-Pujebet

The centennial flooding of Paris, where the river Seine is expected to rise 8.62 meters above normal, is expected to take place within the next five years. How will it happen? What will the most beautiful city in the world look like then? Imagine the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and L'Arc de Triopmhe deluged by dark, icy waters. With the subway under water, no electricity or telephone, where can millions of citizens and twelve hospitals evacuate? THE GREAT FLOOD: PARIS 2010 is not a drama or disaster movie but a future archive documentary written in close collaboration with Paris' City Hall and Police Department as well as the main economic protagonists. The wealth of archive material on the 1910 and former centennial floods, the precision of recent studies and the CGI technology's possible scenarios enable us to, for the first time, make a realistic and spectacular film of what will happen to the City of Lights when the Seine rises once more. Paris has been actively preparing for its centennial flood for many years and it remains to be seen the collective efforts have been in vain. Bruno Victor-Pujebet directs THE GREAT FLOOD: PARIS 2010, written by Bruno Portier.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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